Creative Stage Design:
Event Production,
Sales, Rentals,

Design & Consulting for the Entertainment Industry

Services Schedule

In order to better serve our customers, Creative Stage Design is now offering a full range of consultation and design services, in addition to our repair and installation services. The following is a brief listing of some, but not all of the services we can provide to make your next production or renovation the best it can possibly be, with a description and fee schedule.

Please call for more information on workshops, lecture/demonstrations, or complete consultation/design/installation packages that can be tailored to fit your space and budget.

We are now redesigning our workshops and classes and laying out our own Worship Expo for the Hilton Head, Bluffton, Savannah area.

Design/Drafting ... $65.00/hr.
Complete design of the lighting for your production, drafting included. Includes one onsite meeting with director and scenic designer(s).

Consultation ... $400.00 Retainer
We offer several consultation packages for your renovation, ranging from one onsite evaluation to a full-service consultation and installation with drafting and contractor's meetings.

Repair ... parts + $65.00/hr
Our repair staff is well-versed in the repair and maintenance of dimmers, instruments, effects, followspots and consoles, as well as practically anything else that goes in a theatre.

Workshops ... $75.00/person
Take advantage of our expertise! We offer workshops and training on color theory, basic lighting design, audio design and performance setup, microphone and monitor use, current technology and theatre safety. Programming classes for many lighting and audio control consoles.

Presentations ... $325.00/day
Bring our experts to your church! We will come to your church and give presentations and training for your students or team on lighting, sound, video, and careers in technical and Audio VIsual Industry, etc. Travel expenses not included.